Call: 07 3257 7733
A privately run hospital for same day procedures located in Brisbane, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006.

With over 20 years' experience in plastic & reconstructive surgery, you can rest assured your surgery needs will be taken care of with the highest standards.

Clinical Governance
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
provide clinical governance, and safety and quality systems required to maintain and improve the reliability, safety and quality of health care, and improve health outcomes for patients.
have a responsibility to the community for continuous improvement of the safety and quality of their services, and ensuring that they are person centred, safe and effective.
Implement a clinical governance framework that ensures that patients and consumers receive safe and high-quality health care.

Partnering with Consumers
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
provide systems and strategies to create a person-centred health system by including patients in shared decision making, to ensure that patients are partners in their own care, and that consumers are involved in the development and design of quality health care.
develop, implement and maintain systems to partner with consumers. These partnerships relate to the planning, design, delivery, measurement and evaluation of care. The workforce uses these systems to partner with consumers.
create an organisation in which there are mutually valuable outcomes by having:
Consumers as partners in planning, design, delivery, measurement and evaluation of systems and services
Patients as partners in their own care, to the extent that they choose.

Preventing and Controlling Healthcare Associated Infection
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
prevent infection, to manage infections effectively when they occur, and to limit the development of antimicrobial resistance through prudent use of antimicrobials, as part of effective antimicrobial stewardship.
describe, implement and monitor systems to prevent, manage or control healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance, to reduce harm and achieve good health outcomes for patients. The workforce uses these systems.
reduce the risk of patients acquiring preventable healthcare-associated infections, effectively manage infections if they occur, and limit the development of antimicrobial resistance through prudent use of antimicrobials as part of antimicrobial stewardship.

Medication Safety
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
provide systems and strategies to ensure that clinicians safely prescribe, dispense and administer appropriate medicines to informed patients, and monitor use of the medicines.
describe, implement and monitor systems to reduce the occurrence of medication incidents, and improve the safety and quality of medication use
ensure clinicians are competent to safely prescribe, dispense and administer appropriate medicines and to monitor medicine use.
ensure consumers are informed about medicines and understand their individual medicine needs and risks.

Comprehensive Care
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
describes the integrated screening, assessment and risk identification processes for developing an individualised care plan, to prevent and minimise the risks of harm in identified areas.
set up and maintain systems and processes to support clinicians to deliver comprehensive care.
set up and maintain systems to prevent and manage specific risks of harm to patients during the delivery of health care. The workforce uses the systems to deliver comprehensive care and manage risk.
ensure that patients receive comprehensive care – that is, coordinated delivery of the total health care required or requested by a patient.
aligned care with the patient’s expressed goals of care and healthcare needs, considers the effect of the patient’s health issues on their life and wellbeing, and is clinically appropriate.
ensure that risks of harm for patients during health care are prevented and managed. Clinicians identify patients at risk of specific harm during health care by applying the screening and assessment processes required in this standard.

Communicating For Safety
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
set up and maintain effective communication between patients, carers and families, multidisciplinary teams and clinicians, and across the health service organisation.
set up and maintain systems and processes to support effective communication with patients, carers and families; between multidisciplinary teams and clinicians; and across health service organisations. The workforce uses these systems to effectively communicate to ensure safety.
ensure timely, purpose-driven and effective communication and documentation that support continuous, coordinated and safe care for patients.

Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration
Pacific Day Surgery's intention of this standard;
respond effectively to patients when their physical, mental or cognitive condition deteriorates.
set up and maintain systems for recognising and responding to acute deterioration. The workforce uses the recognition and response systems.
ensure that a person’s acute deterioration is recognised promptly and appropriate action is taken. Acute deterioration includes physiological changes, as well as acute changes in cognition and mental state.